## Base16 Black Metal (Burzum) ## Author: metalelf0 (https://github.com/metalelf0) ## # The following matchup is only true if you also changed your terminal emulator # colors to the same as the scheme you are using. # 0: #000000 # 1: #5f8787 # 2: #ddeecc # 3: #99bbaa # 4: #888888 # 5: #999999 # 6: #aaaaaa # 7: #c1c1c1 # 8: #333333 # 9: #aaaaaa # 10: #121212 # 11: #222222 # 12: #999999 # 13: #999999 # 14: #444444 # 15: #c1c1c1 # 16: #000000 ## # overall background and foreground color set color_win_fg=default set color_win_bg=default # bottom status line set color_statusline_fg=2 set color_statusline_bg=default # bottom title line set color_titleline_fg=2 set color_titleline_bg=default # top title area set color_win_title_fg=2 set color_win_title_bg=default set color_win_title_attr=bold # command-line colors set color_cmdline_bg=default set color_cmdline_fg=default set color_error=1 set color_info=6 # separator of windows # should be black set color_separator=16 # unselected currently playing track's text set color_win_cur=13 # active selection for currently playing track set color_win_cur_sel_bg=default set color_win_cur_sel_fg=3 set color_win_cur_sel_attr=underline # inactive selection for currently playing track set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_bg=default set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_fg=13 # active selection set color_win_sel_bg=default set color_win_sel_fg=3 set color_win_sel_attr=underline # inactive selection set color_win_inactive_sel_bg=default set color_win_inactive_sel_fg=1 # directory listing color set color_win_dir=default