

> 🇧🇷 Para o tutorial em português clique [aqui](https://github.com/cristiancmoises/torando/blob/main/LEIA-ME.md) _____________________________________________ ## Do you need the tor package to run this. Instal tor first! > DEBIAN: apt update && apt upgrade && apt install tor torsocks -y > GENTOO: emerge tor torsocks > ARCH: pacman tor torsocks -Syu > OPENSUSE: zypper install tor torsocks -y ## FIRST STEP - CHANGE THE CONFIG Clone the repo and open the _torando.sh_ and change USERAQUI for your username. Do the same on _toroff.sh_ git clone https://github.com/cristiancmoises/torando cd torando chmod +x * nano torando.sh ## EDIT TORRC nano /etc/tor/torrc Then paste in the end: VirtualAddrNetwork AutomapHostsOnResolve 1 TransPort 9040 DNSPort 53 ## NOW EDIT THE RESOLV.CONF nano /etc/resolv.conf ## FOR SECURITY chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf ## THEN REMOVE ALL AND PASTE nameserver ## FIREFOX CONFIG - NO DNS LEAK _Go to the firefox and digit *about:config* then press enter._ about:config > #### OK, Now paste the command and search, then change the value: | COMMAND | VALUE | |------------------------|----------------------------------| |network.proxy.socks_remote_dns | True | |browser.safebrowsing.enabled | True | |browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled | False | ## NOW YOU CAN TURN ON THE TORANDO.SH! cd torando ./torando.sh ## FOR DISABLE cd torando ./toroff.sh ## BONUS! EDIT YOUR BASHRC/FISH OR WHATEVER... nano .bashrc ### INCLUDE: alias torando="./torando.sh" alias toroff="./offtor.sh" ## THAT'S ALL! ![anon](https://github.com/cristiancmoises/torando/assets/86272521/9df06b1d-cff7-4c02-a6fb-c7add5ef27e3)